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        In an age where digital seems to be the medium on everyone’s lips, TSA Limited looks at three ways print has the ability to connect and engage powerfully with consumers

        Republished by APA. Originally Published by TSA LIMITED | APRIL 6, 2018 SPONSERED CONTENT

        Google had sent me Postcard in my letterbox (no not my inbox but my Letterbox) where we get snail mail!!! Can you believe it?

        We at APA do run an AdWords campaign, lately we have been slow in running our campaign on Google, and Google being Google the Mega Grand Mother of all internet was wondering how it could help us! Google sent a postcard with great offer via traditional snail mail!

        Print Media is not DEAD!

        While the marketing world got caught up in the digital frenzy, did we lose sight of our most reliable friend – print?

        With the surge of digital, every headline pushed marketers into a FOMO frenzy with ‘print is dead’, ‘print versus digital’, ‘digital advertising spend is on the rise’ despite understanding the basic premise: digital remains a small ad spend when compared to overall investment in established medias.

        As marketers we also forget our powerful print friend who has delivered strong brand identifiers, trust and tactile engagement let alone ROI and ad recall.

        According to Marketing Sherpa, 82 percent of internet users trust print ads when making a purchasing decision, that’s more than any other channel. Despite the advancements of new medias, print still holds its place in the marketing mix with three key pillars forming the foundation for its success.


        There is an easy way to book your flyer distribution campaign

        You could let us handle your campaign from your original idea through to the final distribution. We can take care of design, copywriting and printing.

        You will benefit from our years of experience in this field. You will get the best advice on the design & layout of your flyers, along with advice on the demographics of the area and number of properties in your catchment area that will give you the best ROI.

        Yes, you can contact APA Flyer distribution today & we can be of help to make your letterbox distribution a success.

        Transparent distribution model — powered by GPS Tracking — Best in the industry.

        Advertising Printing Australia (APA)

        Call us Now: 1300 33 00 50
        sales@AdvertisingPrinting.com.au | www.AdvertisingPrinting.com.au

        As the saying goes “cheap is not good, good is not cheap”