It’s so easy to delete an email. If you don’t know the sender and the subject doesn’t grab your attention, you send an email to the trash faster than we can say “Spam”. Unopened and unread.In this digital age, your inbox sees more action than your letterbox. However, the flood of email communication actually makes people more receptive to printed material that lands in their letterboxes. Research shows that people retain messaging and engage more intimately with paper-based communications. We can’t argue with that!
Do you know
We have over 100 TV Channels
- & Over 500 Radio Stations
- & Over 10,000 Newspapers & Magazines
- & Over a Billion web sites
But only One Letterbox
So, don’t let the marketers fool you that direct mail is dead. This is not about direct mail, this is about the sense of touch, the physical side of marketing and advertising and the fact we humans like to touch, to hold & to feel it.
Research shows that letterbox drops supporting an online campaign – are delivering the highest return on investment for retailers & small businesses.
It’s so easy to delete an email, than a flyer in a letterbox!
Back in March of this a story titled Direct Mail: Alive And Kicking. (by Steve Olenski ,) It would appear that direct mail is not only alive and kicking, it’s going “high tech.”
Do you know the sheer popularity of leaflets & catalogues with retailers and consumers makes this form of advertising as the best form of advertising? Retailers & small business owners know how powerful home delivered advertisement can be, and this is evidenced by their popularity as the significant medium of choice.