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        Amidst all this saturation, the letterbox stands alone as the singularimpactful, successful way to ensure marketing materials are seen, read and considered.

        APA, the 4th largest direct mail distributor in NSW, delivers to over 5 million households monthly across Greater Metro Sydney while providing high-quality discount printing and the most reliable and effective flyer distribution service in NSW.

        1. GPS Tracking: All our distributors and field supervisors are tracked by GPS devices. We were the first in the industry to implement GPS tracking in 2009, ensuring no cheating and delivering better quality and results for you.
        2. Highest Wages: We offer the highest wages in the industry, motivating our distributors to perform their tasks with dedication. Earning $1,000 a week, they enjoy job security and a stable livelihood.
        3. Proof of Deliveries: At the end of your campaign, we provide detailed proof of where and when flyers were distributed. View our sample GPS report [Click Here ]. This ensures peace of mind and that your money is well spent.

        All Prices are ex GST. There will be surcharge for lower density housing areas


        Or Call now (02) 9643 1250   I  1300 33 00 50