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        Have you been nominated ____ for Council Elections yet?

        If Yes, It’s Time Now to Reach Out to your Electorate.

          This is our expertise—putting your name in letterboxes, and we excel at
        2. PRINTING: 
          Corflutes, Banners, Flyers, How to Vote, T shirts, Posters

        QUALITY Printing at the LOWEST Prices. If you find a cheaper written printing quote, we will beat it!

        APA, the 3rd largest & most popular direct mail distributor in NSW, delivers to over 5 million households monthly across Greater Metro Sydney while providing high-quality discount printing and the most reliable and effective flyer distribution service in NSW.

        We are contracted by 23 local councils in Sydney & Major organizations like RMS, Transport NSW, Rail Corp, North-West Rail Link, City & Southwest Metro, WestConnex, NBN

        Are you afraid of any of the following problems on your election flyers

        If Yes! – We have a Solution for You!

        1. Unbundled Distribution:  Your Distribution will not be bundled with Supermarket 10 – 20 pages catalogues. MEANS: More visibility of your Name
        2. Cross Check: Whilst the Distribution is in progress, field supervisor is checking on the streets & walkers and we invite you to check along with supervisor. Your eyes see it as it happens- Peace of Mind
        3. GPS Tracking: All our distributors and field supervisors are tracked by GPS app. We were the first in the industry to implement GPS tracking in 2009, ensuring no cheating and delivering better quality and results for you. View our sample GPS report [Click Here ].  Good Work Gets The RESULTS.

        At APA this is our strength to tailor make direct communication reach out to every stake holder in your electorate.

        We can Print & Distribute 100K Newsletters or flyers within 3 – 4 Days in your electorate!

        It’s Not What We Do- It’s How We Do

        Call us now: 1300 33 00 50 