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        Recently I had surprise in my letterbox!

        Google had sent me Postcard in my letterbox (no not my inbox but my Letterbox) where we get snail mail!!! Can you believe it?

        We at APA do run an AdWords campaign, lately we have been slow in running our campaign on Google, and Google being Google the Mega Grand Mother of all internet was wondering how it could help us! Google sent a postcard with great offer via traditional snail mail!

        The point to ponder & is ironic— The King Of Online Marketing expert “The Google” is regularly turning on to the traditional paper based direct mail to promote its business, than why not small & medium sized business?

        And Google isn’t the only high-tech, Yahoo, Amazon, eBay and lots tech savvy companies are using old-fashioned paper based direct mail marketing delivering to letterboxes!

        Despite this digital revolution, fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) retailers have long found that the printed catalogue the ‘flyer’ that promotes a local store’s latest products and specials—has the farthest reach for marketing.

        The internet may be wreaking havoc among bricks-and-mortar retailers, but it seems the old-fashioned paper catalogue is resisting the onslaught.

        Despite the rise and rise of e-commerce, more than one in three shoppers still relies on the humble catalogue before they make a purchase, according to the latest survey by AMP Capital Shopping Centres.

        “In This Land Of Digital, Let’s Not Forget The Physical, which touched on a survey conducted by Millward Brown, a leading global research agency.
        Their survey revealed that ”physical media–AKA direct mail–left a ‘deeper footprint’ in the brain.” In other words media that consumers can touch and feel resonated and touched more emotions than those of the digital variety.”

        As we devote countless hours trying to figure out ways to boost our online marketing campaigns, we are probably overlooking a direct advertising channel that should be part of our overall marketing strategies. That’s a mistake, because letterboxing is an effective marketing tool – and one that more advertising agencies are harnessing. More agencies are learning that a letterbox drop is a great way to reach out to customers and deliver unique, relevant, and timely content. In 2017 results from many studies still shows letterboxing continues to be the cheapest & effective way to reach your customers reliably and regularly.
        The fact is Letterbox Distribution Continues to Deliver Results. Simply, one of the most effective ways to reach your customers.

        Some unfortunate facts

        93% of buyers go into store after reading a catalogue

        58% of Australians (25–34 years), read catalogues vs 12% who read online.

        This the reason that all major retailers still spend majority of their advertising budget on printing & letterbox distribution. We all check out Aldi’s catalogue every week. We do check Harvey Norman, Good Guys catalogues every week! And some of us do not miss checking out specials for groceries and Liquor prices before shopping. The fact is there is only “1” Letterbox & it consistently delivers best Results.

        APA guarantees the delivery of their client’s flyers into a minimum of 90% of all letterboxes within the demarcated area of the client as agreed.

        You could let us handle your campaign from your original idea through to the final distribution. We can take care of design, copywriting and printing.

        You will benefit from our years of experience in this field. You will get the best advice on the design & layout of your flyers, along with advice on the demographics of the area and number of properties in your catchment area that will give you the best ROI.

        Yes, you can contact APA Flyer distribution today & we can be of help to make your letterbox distribution a success.

        Advertising Printing Australia (APA)

        Call us Now: 1300 33 00 50
        sales@AdvertisingPrinting.com.au | www.AdvertisingPrinting.com.au